We carry out an in-depth audit to determine and analyze your overall financial needs. In light of this analysis, we proceed to the valuation of your company. We apply a wide range of methods in order to define the fair value of your structure.
First of all, it is important to understand that those involved in fundraising receive more than a hundred requests per year for a few dozen final investments. The documentation provided to its stakeholders must be rigorously established in order to meet their need for information.
Thanks to its mastery of the local eco-system of capital increases, BIIC is able to streamline your exchanges by introducing you to the right partners.
We have identified the player who will acquire the capital of your company, all that remains is to negotiate the conditions of entry so that both parties are truly winners. Partners' agreement, type of investor intervention, everything is calibrated so that your fundraising is a success! BIIC also supports you post-capital increase. Monitoring of participations as well as financial advice so that your project is sustainable over time.
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